After being a guest mentor at The X Factor's Judges' Houses and performing on the first weekend of live shows, Stormzy could well be back for The X Factor final.


Rai-Elle Williams has already had words with the Big for Your Boots singer and asked him if he would collaborate with her if she makes it to the final – and apparently he said yes.

After meeting Stormzy at The X Factor studio, Rai-Elle asked if he could keep his schedule free around The X Factor final on 2nd December.

"If I make it to the finals then he would be the person that I would want to collaborate with," Rai-Elle told and other press about what she said to Stormzy. "And he was like, ‘Yep, that’s cool’ and I was like, ‘Thank you!’"

Asked if that was therefore putting the pressure on for her to make the finals, Rai-Elle - who is singing George Michael's They Won't Go When I Go this weekend - said: "I know, right?

"But I think where I’ve made it to so far is an achievement in itself. Obviously I would be gutted if I didn’t get to the finals but I’m really proud that I’ve made it this far - and hopefully Stormzy will still want to do a collaboration with me!"

On how she was feeling ahead of the show this weekend, Rai-Elle said that the double elimination being cancelled was "like a stress lifted up off my shoulders,"she laughed.

"I was so happy when I found that out. Although to be honest, it's not like I have to do less work - I still have to put in the same amount of effort even if it was a double elimination," she said. "But it is nice to know that there's a less chance of me going home!"


The X Factor airs Saturdays and Sundays on ITV
