In a parallel universe, Maisie Williams never became Game of Thrones' fierce tomboy Arya Stark. Instead, she skipped the audition and went on a field trip to... a pig farm.


The actress casually mentioned in an interview with InStyle Magazine that she almost decided not to go to the audition because, as a 13-year-old, she was keen to visit a bunch of pigs instead. Thankfully she turned up and was given the part in the HBO series – which has changed her life.

Now 21 and midway through filming the eighth and final series, Williams has grown up in the spotlight. That hasn't always been easy.

"It was strange because I put on the personality of the girl who was ‘Maisie Williams’ but really struggled in my personal life,” she reflected in the interview, looking back on the bullying she faced at school as a teen.

"I think just understanding I wasn’t the only one who feels like they don’t fit in really helped me, and it made me want to inform other young kids that it actually does get better."


Game of Thrones returns for the eighth and final series in 2019


Eleanor Bley GriffithsDrama Editor,