Cersei Lannister may be sitting pretty on the Iron Throne in King's Landing but if one Game of Thrones prophecy comes true chances are she'll soon be for the chop – and this latest fan theory suggests Jon Snow will be the person responsible.


Redditor dremling has been examining the prophecy of Maggy the Frog, who gave Cersei some rather unsettling information about her death when she was a young girl.

dremling writes:

To quote the end of Cersei's prophecy, "When your tears have drowned you, the Valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

Since the Valonqar is Valyrian for the little brother, most people think that Jaime, or maybe Tyrion, will kill Cersei. I think that in a show as unpredictable of Game of Thrones, this is too obvious. The Valonqar means "the little brother", not Cersei's little brother. So Cersei's murderer could be anyone who is a little brother. But saying this in Valyrian suggests that the person will have Valyrian blood.

The Targaryens have Valyrian blood. Jon Snow is a Targaryen. He is the little brother of Rhaenys and Aegon. He wants to kill Cersei. I think it is very likely that he does.

So basically, dremling would have us believe that while Jaime's been looking particularly murderous in his sister's company of late, he's not going to be the one who takes her life.

It's an interesting theory, but given the fact that Jaime has lost all of his children – the latest, Tommen, thanks to Cersei's scheming – wouldn't he be the one with the motive?

Or could Jon Snow, who we might assume will eventually be informed of his (still unconfirmed) Targaryen parentage, seek revenge on the family who killed his older half-siblings?

It's not yet clear when we'll find out, but we do know series seven (which hits our TV screens in July) will feature Cersei prominently, and focus on her mindset in the aftermath of Tommen's suicide.

"That’s what so much of next season is going to be about; finding out what Cersei’s mind-set is. Who is she? While Cersei has certainly done a lot of horrible things in her life and she could be a very cruel person, the one thing that was redemptive about her was that she genuinely loved her children. Now they’re all gone, and I think that is very interesting for us," showrunner and co-creator D.B Weiss told Deadline after last year's series 6 finale.

"Who is she without her children? The answer is something you’ll find out next season. That’s so much of what is to come that I’ll just give it away if I start delving into it now," he said.

Will Maggy's prediction come true? And who will be the one to end the Lannister Queen's life? We'll simply have to wait and see.


Game of Thrones series 7 debuts on Sky Atlantic on Monday July 17th at 2am
