The second instalment of Game of Thrones season seven ended on a cliffhanger, with Yara Greyjoy feeling her uncle Euron's knife at her throat after a seaborn ambush that looks to have left her fleet decimated.


Wading into the fight was Yara's brother Theon - but when faced with his sister's capture by their maniacal uncle amid the burning wreckage of their ship, Theon apparently went full Reek again, turning tail and jumping into the sea to escape, leaving Yara to her fate.

But Gemma Whelan, who plays Yara, thinks we should have some sympathy for the damaged Theon, who she believes is suffering from a very real psychological disorder after his years of abuse by the sadistic Ramsay Bolton.

"I think a really good point has been made and he has PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome]," Whelan told an audience at London Film and Comic Con.

Over to you Euron...


Gemma Whelan was speaking on a panel at the London Film and Comic Con


Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,