13 tweets that perfectly sum up the reaction to the Doctor Who series 10 finale
Peter Capaldi, Michelle Gomez, Pearl Mackie and John Simm combine for a superb finale – and fans shared their appreciation. SPOILERS

The end of Doctor Who series 10 is just the beginning, with that last minute cliffhanger setting viewers up deliciously for the upcoming Christmas special – and Peter Capaldi's final episode as the Doctor.
But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we just take a moment to appreciate the complex, emotional brilliance of that final episode?
Read our (five-star) review here, and check out what fans have been saying below.

First off, there was Bill, and her beautiful is-it-really-the-end ending, reuniting with her girlfriend Heather from the very first episode of series 10.
If this really is the last Doctor Who has seen of Pearl Mackie, then she deserves her place in Who history.
Although, even if she has left the main show, surely there's room for a Bill and Heather spin-off?
Happy travels.
Then there was the Master, who had us all feeling just a tiny bit icky given his relationship with his future Missy self.
Then again, it's hard not to be drawn in by the magnificent Michelle Gomez and the joyous John Simm.
If that wasn't enough, well, FIRST DOCTOR.
Yet for all that, this was first and foremost Peter Capaldi's episode, his curtain call – well almost.
As for his final episode, the Christmas special? Fans are literally counting down the days...
Who needs summer anyway? Doctor Who will return this Christmas