When it comes to popping the question Whovians have proved – on more than one occasion – that they’re very creative folk, and now another Doctor Who fan has pulled a romantic Tardis-themed treat out of the bag.


When Redditor mmm-moyer reached the right moment in space and time to get down on one knee, he had a custom-made Tardis engagement ring box in hand.

Was it bigger on the inside, you ask?

Well, we can’t be sure, but it did have a lovely custom message printed on the lid.

And a rock to rival that seemingly impenetrable azbantium wall in Heaven Sent was concealed within.

His lady love said yes, of course, and according to the Reddit post: “She found a great set of Tardis Cuff Links and I'll be wearing Tardis blue as an accent colour.”


Can we come too? For the dancing, obviously.
