A creepy new teaser for Stranger Things season 2 warns "nothing ever went back to normal"
The second instalment of the Netflix smash arrives in October

It looks like we're in for a long three months before the pre-Halloween return of Stranger Things. The show's official Twitter account has come back to life in recent weeks, and now it has dropped a new teaser for season two with the unsettling caption "nothing ever went back to normal".
That being said, the sight of Will spewing up worms at the end of season one kind of hinted at that too.
Despite the recent rumbles on social media, we're not much closer to knowing what danger awaits the people of Hawkins, Indiana.
We do know, however, that it will be set in 1984, a year after Will's return from the upside down. And, that there will be a love triangle of sorts between Chief Hopper, Winona Ryder's Joyce Byers and a new character played by Lord of the Rings' Sean Astin.
On top of this, intentionally ambiguous interviews from cast and crew have suggested that it will be more horror oriented than the first instalment, as the gang find out that a return to normality, as craved by Joyce and Hopper, isn't quite on the cards.
Get the full low-down on everything we know about the new season here.
Stranger Things Season 2 arrives on Netflix on Friday 27th October