A new picture from the Doctor Who Christmas special actually has the Doctor in it
And a lovely big map

Now, you may have already watched the behind-the-scenes “trailer” for Doctor Who’s 2016 Christmas Special, had the Children In Need clip on repeat and spent hours poring over the picture of Justin Chatwin’s superhero The Ghost (we know we have) – but have you seen a still image of the actual Doctor taken from the episode, perhaps accompanied by companions Nardole (Matt Lucas) and Lucy (Charity Wakefield) standing in front of a map?
If the answer to any or all of those categorisations is no (and we think they would be), then this new image from the festive special The Return of Doctor Mysterio is the treat you’ve been waiting for. Sure, it doesn’t reveal much – it’s just Peter Capaldi’s Time Lord and his lackies standing in front of a map that we already saw in the clip – but we think it’s still the first actual PICTURE we have of the Doctor from the special, and in a year nearly barren of Doctor Who news we’ll get excited over anything.
Just remember gang – there’s only about a month to wait now…
Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio will air on BBC1 on 25th December

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.