Liked The Missing? And Thirteen? Then you’re in for a treat: Netflix’s latest series The OA follows a young girl returning from a lengthy disappearance. Yup, we’re getting another one of those dramas.


However, this one comes with a difference: it’s very odd. Like, seriously odd. Odder than the end of this sentence windmill.

Exhibit A: Netflix have said The OA is a “singular experience that upends notions about what long-format stories can be” or “an odyssey in eight chapters” that follows a “mind-bending tale about identity, human connection and the borders between life and death”. The Crown it ain't.

Exhibit B: The OA comes from the minds of Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij, the same Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij who made indie cult hits Sound of My Voice and The East. In case you were wondering, they're both very very, um, 'arty'.

And Exhibit C: the trailer. From Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) plugging Brit Marling’s head into what looks like a mind-reading tube, to shots of snowy mansions and child violinists, nothing in it gives away one coherent story.

Why all the mystery? The chances are Netflix are hoping this will be their latest sleeper hit, a Stranger Things-esque series that spreads by word of mouth before becoming one of the biggest shows on the box.

At least we've not got to wait long to see if the head-scratching trailer matches the first season...


The OA launches on Netflix Friday 16th December
