It’s been a long time coming, but Hawkeye and Kate Bishop’s Disney Plus adventure has finally kicked off.


Inevitably, there are connections to a much larger Multiverse well beyond the MCU and, although we’re only four episodes in, fans think they’ve already spotted hints that Kingpin, aka Wilson Fisk, aka the soft-spoken crime boss portrayed by Vincent D’Onofrio in Netflix’s Daredevil series opposite Charlie Cox’s masked hero, will be making his return.

After all, new MCU characters have a habit of debuting anywhere at any time with absolutely no warning.

Here’s everything you need to know about whether Kingpin will be returning to the MCU – and whether he’ll turn out to be Echo’s uncle.

Kingpin return hints: Is Kingpin Echo’s uncle?

You see, Hawkeye's third episode (titled Echoes) introduced us to a significant character – Alaqua Cox’s Maya Lopez, aka deaf martial artist Echo. In flashbacks we saw her challenging upbringing, followed by fighting success and her heartbreak when her loving (albeit criminal) dad was killed by the vigilante Ronin (actually Hawkeye/Clint going through some stuff).

Anyway, in the present day she runs the Tracksuit Mafia, a major group of antagonists facing our archers Clint (Jeremy Renner) and Kate (Hailee Steinfeld) in Hawkeye. Or at least that’s how it seems – because it’s later revealed that there’s another person she answers to, referred to as "Uncle”.

“I just hope Uncle won’t find out... he wont be happy,” Fra Fee’s character Kazi notes when challenging Echo over her Ronin obsession.

Later, Clint corrects Kate when she assumes Echo/Maya runs the whole show.

“No, there’s someone above Maya. Someone you don’t wanna mess with,” he says.

Plus, remember those flashbacks? At one point, we see a large, suited man affectionately brush the little Maya’s cheek during her martial arts classes. Hmm...

Now, on the face of it, these moments are fairly scant evidence for Kingpin’s return. But in a wider context, it’s clear why these bits of dialogue have got fans so excited. You see, in the comics Echo and Kingpin have long had a connection – she was essentially his adopted daughter – so referring to him as her “uncle” fits completely. And following her father’s death, who’s to say he couldn’t have taken a similar parental role and helped to guide her?

It’s also notable that Clint is wary of whoever Maya’s boss is. As an Avenger who’s faced off with gods, robot armies and aliens it’s hard to imagine what might give him pause – unless it’s someone as significant and powerful as Wilson Fisk. Notably, "Uncle" escaped Ronin’s wave of killings unlike many other crime lords, which suggests he has some real protection and connections.

But crucially, this mysterious boss now HAS to be someone interesting, right? Built-up off-screen with these little hints, Hawkeye seems to be heading towards a big reveal with "Uncle" – if it was just a new character, why not show him during the flashbacks?

With the identity of this mysterious boss yet to be confirmed, viewers will have to wait for more information.

Is Kingpin going to be in Hawkeye?

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin in Netflix's Daredevil (David Lee/ Netflix) DAVID LEE/NETFLIX

Kingpin’s return is yet to be confirmed.

However, it definitely seems like there must be a reason Marvel is letting us know that this figure exists – but isn’t showing him fully.

And with rumours also around that Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdock will return for Spider-Man: No Way Home this month, it feels like the time is ripe for Kingpin’s return (possibly to coincide – there’s a Hawkeye episode out the week the new film comes out).

And if Kingpin doesn’t make a return in a Hawkeye episode? Well, we’ll eat humble pie, and our hats. But somehow, I have no doubt we’ll have room for Christmas dinner by the end of the series... if you catch my drift.

Read more:

Hawkeye releases new episodes weekly every Wednesday on Disney Plus. You can sign up to Disney+ for £7.99 a month or £79.90 a year now.


Check out our Movies and Sci-Fi pages for more news and features, or our TV Guide for more to watch. And, of course, join us again next week for another episode of Hawkeye!
