Best known for their Doctor Who ranges, audio drama producers Big Finish have also put out a number of projects exploring the worlds of Gerry Anderson.


In collaboration with Anderson Entertainment, there have been new audiobooks and full-cast audio dramas based on a number of series devised by TV producer Anderson – including Terrahawks, Space Precinct and Space: 1999.

But that's not all – can exclusively reveal that Big Finish is planning an audio adaptation of another Anderson project.

"There is another franchise we're working on," Nicholas Briggs - Big Finish Executive Producer and Creative Director - told us. "That's the first time I've actually said that and it's top secret!

He continued: "There is another Anderson thing that Jamie [Anderson, son of Gerry and head of Anderson Entertainment] is working on with us. I'm reading scripts for that at the moment... I really love it."

Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Space: 1999
Gerry Anderson was the esteemed TV producer/writer/director behind such classic series as Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Space: 1999 ITV

At this early stage, Briggs wasn't willing to reveal exactly which Anderson project would be the next to get the Big Finish treatment (Stingray? UFO? Torchy the Battery Boy?!)... so start speculating, Anderfans!

Outside of Big Finish, Briggs and Jamie Anderson have collaborated on a new scripted drama podcast called First Action Bureau, which again is inspired by the works of Gerry Anderson.

“It’s new, really, but it’s got loads of the hallmarks of Anderson stuff," said Jamie. “[It’s a] future setting, sci-fi, secret organisations… but it’s newly drawn together. It’s the first entirely new thing we’ve brought together but that still sits in the worlds of Anderson.”

The future-set series stars Genevieve Gaunt, Sacha Dhawan, Nicola Walker and Paterson Joseph and follows the titular Bureau as it uses decades of ‘big data’ and globally connected quantum artificial intelligence to predict criminal activity before it occurs.


The first four episodes of First Action Bureau are out now – find something to watch with our TV Guide
