Billie Piper – Doctor Who’s Rose Tyler, lover of all things Mickey Smith and Tardis time vortex energy – is returning to the London stage with her acclaimed portrayal of the titular character in Yerma.


The play tells the story of a childless woman, Yerma, so obsessively desiring motherhood that she eventually commits a horrific crime (we won’t spoil what). And although the original story was based in rural Spain, director Simon Stone has updated the story to be set in modern day London.

Last time she starred in this gritty drama, written by classic Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca, Piper’s performance won several awards.

The play's second run will take place between 26 July and 31 August at the Waterloo theatre where Maureen Beattie (Casualty), Brendan Cowell (Beneath Hill 60), John MacMillan (Chewing Gum) and Charlotte Randle (The Trials of Jimmy Rose) will re-join the Doctor Who star in the cast.


Public booking for the season goes on sale on Wednesday 1 February
