It's a universal texting conundrum: how many kisses do you leave at the end of your messages? For some recipients, you know the drill – a loved one gets a barrage of Xs, your boss none at all. (Unless you've experienced that painfully embarrassing auto-pilot fail of multiple kisses. Let's not speak of that.)


But then there are the unknowns. The vague acquaintances and new friends – how many kisses do you send them?

Luckily we're not alone in this quandary. David Tennant – yes, immortal, godly David Tennant – shares our texting paranoia. He too umms and ahhs about exactly the right number of XXXs to sign off with. He too chews over the kisses (or lack of) he receives in response.


For more on David Tennant's texting predicaments – and a good old nosy at his kitchen – tune into Very British Problems, tonight at 10pm on Channel 4


Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,