David Tennant just dressed up as the Twelfth Doctor
This did NOT just happen!
Comic-cons. Fan events taking place around the world, increasingly inhabited by past and present stars of Doctor Who.
Yup, if you've had an adventure in space and time, Whovians will reliably fork out to see you appear on a stage, answering questions about your time on the show – or even pose for a photo with you. Especially if you were once the one manning the Tardis.
Cons take place all the time but this weekend marked a particularly special one as former Doctors David Tennant AND Matt Smith appeared together in New York. It doesn't get much better than that, right?
Here's David dressed up as Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor. It was about timey wimey this happened...
Not a bad effort, either – although no one does Capaldi hands quite like Peter Capaldi...