David Tennant’s at Wimbledon and Doctor Who fans can’t cope
But what could this mean for the 13th Doctor reveal?

Doctor Who fans tuned into the Wimbledon Men’s Final in their droves this afternoon, inspired by the promise that Peter Capaldi’s successor as the Doctor would be revealed at the end of the match.
However, many were surprised to see a version of the Time Lord appear on their screens sooner than they expected – specifically former series actor David Tennant, who played the Tenth Doctor (as opposed to Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth) from 2005-2010.
Predictably, fans were rather thrown by the surprise materialisation, and quickly dreamt up their own theories about what it could all mean.
For our part, we reckon he was popped into the crowd just to give all the Whovians forced to watch tennis something to chat about until the big reveal. Very sporting of him, really.
Doctor Who returns to BBC1 this Christmas