Here’s something for you to CONTEMPLATE: what if every single robot was a Dalek?


Not just your Alexa, but what if every robot on screen was replaced with a Doctor Who baddie, from a death-hungry Iron Giant to an EXTERMINATE-fixated EVE from Pixar’s Wall-E.

Fortunately, there’s no need to ESTIMATE the carnage this would cause: the folks over at Screen Junkies have put together a supercut of the most iconic robots in film voiced by Skaro’s most dangerous.

And turns out it’s really funny. Especially when a Dalek takes over the deathly vending machine from Maximum Overdrive.

Yet as brilliant as this compilation is, it may be the most Dalek we hear in a while. Chris Chibnall previously revealed that the tinpot terrors have been EXTERMINATED from the upcoming series of Doctor Who, with the incoming showrunner pitting Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor against “all-new monsters”.

So, no Daleks, but sounds like there's still plenty to ANTICIPATE.


Doctor Who returns to BBC1 this autumn

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