This might be the most ‘Da-ad!’ story of all time. A father in North Yorkshire actually did what we have all dreamed of: he bought a full size, five foot tall Dalek at a sci-fi convention.


The only problem? He didn’t tell his wife.

Oh, and it was too big for the front door.

It's fair to say that the purchase didn’t go over well.

Luckily, their daughter's school was willing to step in and give the Dalek a good home. Yes, the Stokesley School now has a resident Dalek, immediately making it 5,000% better than where you went.

“It caused great amusement positioned outside the headteacher’s office, believed by children to be part of a new behaviour management system,” a school spokesperson told The Northern Echo.

“Indeed, one member of staff enjoyed being secreted in it during assembly and then surprising students by not only activating the Dalek by moving menacingly towards them but enhanced the impact with very convincing, recorded sound effects."

Daleks invading assembly? Yet another lifelong dream come true.

Stokesley School upped the fun even more by running a creative writing competition on the theme of 'The Day the Daleks Came to Stokesley'.

“Our imaginative authors featured such horrors as Mrs Brooker swinging from the ropes in the gym to rescue students from extermination, Mr Fazakerley fighting off Daleks armed only with his world globe and Mrs Stevenson taking the opportunity to stage a coup and put her name on the head's office door.”


They all sound like they would make great stories for the upcoming spin-off show Class, set at Coal Hill School. Among the judges of the competition was the dad who bought the Dalek in the first place. Well, it makes a change from his wife judging him.
