It has featured in a handful of Doctor Who adventures including the moment the Doctor saved New Yorkers from being turned into pigs in Daleks in Manhattan. But now fans want the Empire State Building to honour the show’s fiftieth birthday by turning “Tardis blue”.


Fan club NY Sci Fi & Fantasy has launched the petition to help mark the 50th anniversary stateside.

Called "Petition to light up the Empire State Building TARDIS blue on November 23rd to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who!," the website says it "wants to bring NYC to The Doctor to celebrate," his anniversary.

"This is the first time a SciFi show has lasted 50 years. It's a landmark occasion," it reads. "The Doctor has visited NYC many times over the years.

“We are attempting to partner with the Empire State Building ( to make this happen. Help show just how popular this show is by signing the petition and sharing the link. Spread the word via facebook, Twitter, or any way you can! Allons-y!”

Their petition has so far collected more than 6,000 signatures from across the world. Their target is 10,000 names.

In an update the site said: “We've broken the 5000 mark and have signatures from people in 73 different countries! Please continue to tweet about this and post on any Doctor Who pages you can to spread the word. How powerful is this?

"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common - they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." ~The Doctor.

“Let's alter the Manhattan skyline. Allons-y!”

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