Doctor Who super-fan Peter Capaldi may have written letters about the show to Radio Times when he was younger, but series 9 guest star Paul Kaye might just have done one better - having once written a Doctor Who song.


The actor and comedian, who Game of Thrones fans may know as Thoros of Myr, recalls that, “As a kid of the 1970s, the two shows you always watched were Top of the Pops and Doctor Who, they were unmissable. I actually wrote a song called ‘Looking for Davros’ in my first punk band and I sang it like a demented Dalek."

Well, that sounds… dalektable. Still, Kaye has a long way to go if he thinks he's going to win the Guest Star Who's the Biggest Fan of Doctor Who prize, which is still in the hands of series 8's Frank Skinner, who once said that when he was watching 1964 William Hartnell serial The Sensorites when he found out that he had landed the part.

Still, Kaye, who is currently filming a two-parter written by Being Human's Toby Whithouse, is delighted.

"I got to present TOTP back in the mid '90s and landing this role in Doctor Who completes the dream double. Peter [Capaldi] is a perfect Doctor and I’m loving every minute of the experience, even the five hours in make-up. What a treat, best 50th birthday present ever!”


Doctor Who series 9 returns in the autumn
