Vigil actor Anjli Mohindra, who played Rani in Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures, has shared her top pick to replace Jodie Whittaker as the next Doctor.


Asked who she thought would make a good candidate to pick up the TARDIS key next, Mohindra, who also played Queen Skithra in the 12th season of Doctor Who, told Digital Spy: "That’s really tricky. I should have had a really good think about that, because I think a lot of the people that I’d love to see play that role have already played a part in the Whoniverse."

Noting the fan enthusiasm for rumours that Years and Years star Lydia West could step into the Doctor's shoes, she continued: "I think Lydia West is a very interesting fan favourite."

But it was Line of Duty actor Lennie James who stood out as Mohindra's favourite to take on the role.

Lennie James as Tony Gates in Line of Duty
Lennie James as Tony Gates in Line of Duty BBC

"I actually think that Lennie James would be absolutely incredible," she told the publication. "I don’t know if a lot of people have thought of him but I think he’d be really cool. And Vinette Robinson, I think, would also be a fantastic Doctor."

James (The Walking Dead, Save Me) starred as DCI Tony Gates – the main focus of AC-12's hunt for bent coppers – in the first season of Line of Duty.

Robinson is known for appearances in Sherlock and Black Mirror and previously played civil rights campaigner Rosa Parks in an episode of Doctor Who in 2018.

She also had a part in an 2007 episode 42.

In an exclusive interview with last year, Lydia West addressed the Doctor Who rumours, saying it would be "an honour" to play the Doctor.

"I’m glad people think I could do it!" she added.

The full Anjli Mohindra interview can be read on the Digital Spy website.


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Minnie Wright
Minnie WrightNews Editor

Minnie Wright is the News Editor of Radio Times, covering TV, Film and Entertainment from the latest dramas and thrillers to sci-fi, fantasy and reality TV – from BBC to Netflix. She has a background in TV, Film, Showbiz and Music at a major national publication and a degree in Popular Music Journalism.
