Doctor Who series 10: Steven Moffat's episode guide
The Doctor Who showrunner gives Radio Times an exclusive preview of the upcoming series
Episode 3: Thin Ice

Written by Sarah Dollard, directed by Bill Anderson
“So the Tardis has dresses and likes a bit of trouble? I think I’m low-key in love with her.”
In Regency England, beneath the frozen Thames, something is stirring. The Doctor and Bill arrive at the last of the great frost fairs and find themselves investigating a string of impossible disappearances – people have been vanishing on the ice! Bill is about to discover that the past is more like her world than she expected, and that not all monsters come from outer space.
Next: Episode 4 – Knock Knock
Read more in the new issue of Radio Times magazine, with interviews with Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie and much, much more