After revealing that he is set to play James I in the next series of Doctor Who, Alan Cumming has admitted that he wasn’t supposed to spill the beans so early.


“Whoops, the cat’s out of the bag!” he said in a Twitter video. “I’m in an episode of Doctor Who. I’d told the Homo Sapiens podcast that I was doing it before Doctor Who told me it was supposed to be a big secret, so… that’s good.”

Cumming had announced the casting on Will Young and Chris Sweeney’s podcast Homo Sapiens, saying he was going to play a “nice baddie”.

“I’m James I. So I’m kind of like, you know, a kind of dandy, foppy, coward who kind of comes alright in the end,” he revealed. “And they said he might come back.”


Whoops, indeed.


Ellie HarrisonWriter,