Every episode of Doctor Who spin-off the Sarah Jane Adventures is now free to watch on BBC iPlayer
Save the world with former companion Sarah Jane all over again!

With Doctor Who series 11 still months away there’s a significant lack of Whovian activity on our TV screens – but one of the show’s most popular spin-offs has landed on BBC iPlayer just in timey wimey for your next big binge.
The Sarah Jane Adventures follows former companion and investigative journalist Sarah Jane (the late Elisabeth Sladen), her adopted son Luke (Tommy Knight), their neighbour Maria Jackson (Yasmin Paige) and Clyde Langer (Daniel Anthony) as they battle aliens, saved the world and even meet a certain Time Lord (David Tennant, Matt Smith), all from the attic of 13 Bannerman Road.
The show ran for five series, during which the members of Sarah Jane’s little gang included Rani, Haresh and Gita Chandra. Alexander Armstrong was also on hand to voice her trusty computer, Mr Smith. And they even had some very special guests for a Comic Relief Red Nose Day special.
All 53 episodes are now available for the viewing pleasure of those in the UK via the BBC’s very own on-demand service.
Not content with merely taking you back in time, The Sarah Jane Adventures might also give you some insight into what we can expect from series 11 too.
After all, new companion Bradley Walsh made his Who debut in the series, when he featured in series two episode The Day of The Clown.
The Sarah Jane Adventures is now available to stream on BBC iPlayer