Has the new trailer for The Walking Dead season 8 given us a glimpse into the distant future?
The 5-minute long clip premiered at Comic Con on Friday

Fans who complained about The Walking Dead's slow-moving seventh season will have little to fear for the show's return in October (except the whole zombie apocalypse thing) – at least if the new trailer shared at Comic Con is anything to go by.
The 5-minute long clip begins with Rick and the people of Alexandria preparing for an all-out war with the Saviours, before a healthy 2 minutes packed with good old-fashioned zombie killing.
But it's the final few seconds that are likely to get fans talking: they show a much older Rick waking up in a pristine-looking white room. He's sporting a large grey beard, too. Have we just been given an insight into what the future of Alexandria might look like? Is a peaceful existence a possibility in a few decades time?
Of course, mere hours after the trailer dropped, the fan theory wheels were already turning, and one idea is that old classic, it was just a dream...
The cast and crew, including Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus and series showrunner Scott Gimple were at Comic Con on Friday to promote the new season of the show, which debuts on 23rd October.
They began their panel discussion with a tribute to stuntman John Bernecker, who died last week following an on-set accident.
Gimple read a statement on behalf his team: “John passed away this week after he was injured doing something he loved: helping tell stories that excite, entertain, and give people escape. He helped make movies and shows for people like everybody in this room. John was someone who was beloved in the stunt community, who helped train people and helped them break into the business. He was living his dream, and he helped other people do the same.”
The Walking Dead season 8 will premiere on FOX UK on Monday 23rd October