Black Mirror is one of the most talked about sci-fi dramas in years, with its collection of stories terrifying/delighting viewers with every new release.


The anthology series examines modern society, the power of technology and imagines the (often dark) consequences that it could yield.

From a tracking device that can control children, to a dating app that knows how long your relationship will last, Black Mirror takes audiences through many different and captivating worlds, that can often feel far too close to home.

The series is created and written by Charlie Brooker and produced by Annabel Jones and has featured acting talent from the likes of Get Out's Daniel Kaluuta, Game of Throne's Jerome Flynn, and Mad Men's Jon Hamm.

From 2011 to 2013, two series were broadcast on Channel 4, and they were available for a while on 4OD.

However, in 2014 Netflix bought the rights to Black Mirror and since then, all episodes have been available to stream on the service.

Season four was released on Netflix at the end of 2017, but because each story is standalone you can watch them in whatever order you like.


If you don't have Netflix, you can download series three from places such as iTunes, or buy all three seasons to watch or download on Amazon.
