The Doctor is always a bit…'sensitive' immediately after he regenerates. Sometimes he sleeps for days…


…sometimes he hides in his bedroom, sulking…

…and sometimes he strangles people for no reason.

Doctor Who fans have long accepted this as a natural part of regeneration – the Doctor has even claimed this himself. But Jonathan Appleton at Kasterborous has pointed out something so obvious we can’t believe we haven’t noticed it before.

You know who doesn’t go through hyperspacepuberty every time they regenerate?

Other Time Lords.

“Others who have been through the process don’t, on the face of it at least, appear to go through the same gamut of traumas,” Appleton points out, and by George he’s right.

Look, here’s the General bouncing back within seconds to keep giving orders, after the Doctor unceremoniously shot her in Hell Bent.

Appleton goes on:

“Are we to conclude that the Doctor is particularly susceptible to post-regenerative ill effects? Is it a bit like hay fever, really bad hangovers or a dodgy tummy after eating seafood – some people suffer from it and some don’t?”


Or is it simply that the Doctor has a chronic case of man-flu? Read Appleton's full article at Kasterborous and tell us what you think.
