Whovians, rejoice! A new set of portraits of all the Doctor Who leads has materialised, thanks to the BBC.


And they’re all looking mighty swish, all the way from William Hartnell's first Time Lord (the original, you might say) to Tom Baker (sporting his signature scarf), Matt Smith and his very cool bowtie, a stern-looking Christopher Eccleston and, finally, incumbent Doctor Jodie Whittaker.

As a nice touch, even John Hurt’s War Doctor – the incarnation between the Eighth and Ninth Doctor – features, complete with a retro sonic screwdriver in hand.

Doctor Who portraits
Doctor Who portraits
Doctor Who portraits
Doctor Who portraits

Illustrated by Jeremy Enecio, all portraits will be unveiled to fans at San Diego Comic-Con, which kicks off on Thursday 18th July and concludes on Sunday 21st July.


Unfortunately, Whittaker and Tardis Team Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill won’t appear on a panel, but plenty of treats are still in store for sci-fi fans. From big Marvel reveals to a possible Star Trek: Picard trailer. Find out everything we might be treated to here.
