Jodie Whittaker has said that she hasn't ventured onto social media since it was announced she was the new Doctor.


"This will be a blessing and curse," she said during an interview on BBC 6 Music. "I’ve missed a lot of the fun stuff and probably the bad stuff because I’m not on any type of social media and never have been.

"So if I get sent something it’s a mate screen-grabbing it and sending it to me and they obviously edit... actually some of them don’t! But there’s an amazing video of a young girl watching [the announcement] and finding out that it’s being played by a girl. Seeing things like that is really exciting.

"But I need to start going on Twitter search [to see if] anyone has tweeted about me," she laughed.

She needn't worry. When the news was announced in July that Jodie would be succeeding Peter Capaldi in the TARDIS, most of the Whoniverse rejoiced on Twitter.


Jodie also spoke about crying when she found out that she had landed the role of the Doctor, and that she has spoken to "a few" of the former Doctor Who actors for advice on taking on all of time and space.
