What have we learned today? That Karen Gillan still loves her Doctor Who co-stars and that Arthur Darvill is rubbish at disguises.


That's a pretty good education don't you think?

Former Doctor Who companion Gillan shared a photo on her Instagram account this weekend, showing her, Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith and Rory Williams actor Arthur Darvill preparing to go incognito during a fan convention.

While Gillan and Smith are perfectly disguised, apparently nobody remembered Darvill (everyone always forgets Rory, poor sod), leaving them one mask short for the planned celebrity cosplay fun.

Luckily, Darvill is nothing if not resourceful, and he used a paper plate to come up with a terrifying new sci-fi nemesis called... uhh, Plateface?

"Introducing Plateface, his new terrifying character with a paper plate for a face," Gillan says in the caption.

Hmmm, don't think that'll quite cut it – although it does bear a passing resemblance to a Batman Scarecrow mask, no?

Perhaps they need to take some advice from Master of the Convention Centre and Doctor Who star John Barrowman, who last year went disguised in a Kylo Ren mask... and a Star Wars dress.


Or, alternatively, they could content themselves with the fact that Sherlock's Mark Gatiss and Amanda Abbington were just as bad at hiding their true identity when they visited San Diego Comic-Con in 2016.
