Mark Hamill’s secret Star Wars cameos – revealed
From a host of alien creatures to a lowly medic, the Luke Skywalker star has a host of secret Star Wars roles – but were we able to find them all?

Thought Mark Hamill was just Luke Skywalker in Star Wars? Well, think again – because the erstwhile Jedi Master (and professional voiceover artist) has now revealed that he has secret cameo roles in every modern Star Wars movie from 2015 onwards (alongside the ones he played Luke in).
“I am vocally represented in ALL SW films except the Prequels,” Hamill revealed on Twitter, thanking sound designer Matthew Wood for his help in including the sneaky Easter Egg.
“Hint: Look for parts played by Patrick Williams.”
While some of these cameos have been revealed, others remain a mystery – so here at we took it upon ourselves to uncover Mark Hamill’s hidden voices as best we could, following his clues as well as other information revealed over the years.
Just call us Imperial Inquisitors, because we’re about to hunt this Jedi…starting with the most obvious cameos.
The Mandalorian
This one’s fairly easy – as revealed in behind-the-scenes footage, Hamill voices an alien droid called EV-929 in Disney+’s The Mandalorian, propping up the Tattooine cantina bar alongside Pedro Pascal’s titular bounty hunter.
Yes, that technically means Hamill could have met himself – as young Luke –when the latter turned up in Mos Eisley back in the original Star Wars movie, assuming the droid was actually allowed anywhere near the bar at the time.
Though of course, Luke might have come across him before anyway as this droid has a bit of a past – back in 1983’s Return of the Jedi, he can be seen torturing other droids at the behest of the Empire. Clearly still lying low, all these years later.
Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Hamill’s pseudonym hint pays dividends when looking for his cameo in The Rise of Skywalker, which was actually revealed around the time of the film’s release. Credited as Patrick Williams, Hamill voices horned Ovission Boolio in the film – a mine overseer friendly to the Resistance who passed crucial information to Finn and BB-8.
Sadly, Boolio didn’t last much longer than this, being decapitated by Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren some time later.
And if you’re wondering about why “Patrick Williams” was the fake name he chose, well, it’s made from the first names of Hamill’s two brothers. He’s a sentimental tyke.
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

This cameo isn’t hard to find, as Hamill was properly credited for the work of playing drunken alien Dobbu Scay, the diminutive high-roller who memorably tries to play BB-8 like a slot machine on the casino planet Canto Bight.
Unusually, though, Hamill didn’t just voice this character, instead doing full motion-capture for the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance. Unless of course, he was pulling our legs…
“It is commonly (and mistakenly) reported that I only did the voice of Dobbu Scay,” Hamill wrote on social media.
“But I filmed the scene in a full motion-capture suit with a giant-sized medicine ball to make me the same size as BB-8.”
In a hint at the extent of his hidden cameos, he added: “I didn't expect to be credited, assuming it would be another unbilled easter-egg.”
From hereon out finding the cameos gets a bit trickier…but we have a few ideas.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
We already knew Anthony Daniels had a sneaky cameo in Disney’s Han Solo Prequel, but where does Mark Hamill fit in?
Well, if you scour the film’s end credits you can find a certain “William M Patrick” among the addition voices cast. Sound familiar?
Yes, this is clearly another variation on Hamill’s regular pseudonym (the M probably standing for “Mark”) – and while we’re not sure exactly where this voice cameo crops up, fans have suggested Hamill may lend his vocal chords to one of the “Cloud Rider” bandits led by Enfys Nest in the film’s climax.
And this isn’t William M Patrick’s only Star Wars role…
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Yes, mystery voice actor William M Patrick is also credited among the “additional voices” for fellow spin-off prequel Rogue One. Hamill’s voice cameo here is also a bit mysterious – some fans have speculated that he can be heard speaking over the intercom at the iconic Yavin base, which like his cantina appearance would make for some very strange original trilogy crossovers.
However, others have suggested he voices the bizarre alien mind-melter Bor Gullet, which could fit in with Hamill’s often off-the-wall voice acting experience. If you do find the official character credits, answers on a postcard…
Episode VII: The Force Awakens

“I DO have lines in [Episode VII],” Hamill revealed on Twitter, finally revealing that a silent Luke Skywalker wasn’t his only contribution – but finding exactly where those lines come from is more difficult.
There are no more credits for a Patrick Williams or a William M Patrick in The Force Awakens – however, under “additional voices” there is a Patrick Correll, who’s credited for playing “Resistance Medic” at the end of the film.
According to the official Star Wars website, Patrick Correll is the actor to deliver the line “we got a heartbeat” when an injured Finn is delivered back to the Resistance base (see video below), and fans think this may in fact be Hamill’s mysterious voice cameo in Episode VII.
Why Patrick Correll? Well, there’s a possible Star Wars connection – the Millennium Falcon is a Correllian light freighter – and obviously Patrick is the name of Hamill’s brother, as previously noted.
But are we right? Have we grossly underestimated the work of skilled voice artists William M Patrick and Patrick Correll, and completely missed clangingly obvious cameos when they have appeared?
Sadly, it may be a long time – or indeed a long, long time – before Hamill reveals the whole truth. Time to hand over to the internet's most industrious sleuths to do some more digging...
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Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.