Disney+ has released two clips from its upcoming original anthology docuseries, Marvel's 616, a revealing deep-dive into the Marvel Comics Universe (MCU) with each episode helmed by a creative filmmaker.


Marvel's 616 explores the intersections of storytelling, pop culture, and fandom within the MCU and will cover topics including Marvel’s world-spanning artists, the trailblazing women of Marvel Comics, discovering the "forgotten” characters of Marvel, and much more.

The first clip is from Higher, Further, Faster, a revealing insight into the trailblazing women of Marvel Comics and the way in which the MCU was an early adopter of representative, inclusive stories about women. It will include the origin of Ms Marvel, the first Muslim superhero to headline a comic book

The second clip is from the Paul Scheer-directed episode Lost and Found, following the actor/comedian’s search through the back alleys of Marvel Comics to find the “forgotten” characters.

Scheer follows groundbreaking Marvel characters such as Black Panther, as well as the less well-known, more offbeat characters like Doctor Druid, The Whizzer and Typeface.

The popularity of and fascination with the MCU has never been greater and Marvel’s 616 investigate its extensive legacy of stories, characters and creators and, according to Disney+, tries to explain how they exist within the world outside your window.

The MCU prompts extreme displays of superfandom as proven recently by musician Tony Goldmark, who decided to spend lockdown breaking down all 23 movies in the MCU into scenes determined in their proper chronological or historical order.

Disney+ promises each documentary in the Marvel's 616 series will be unique and bear the stamp of the filmmaker's vision. The title refers to the primary Earth-616 continuity of the Marvel multiverse.

The new docuseries may go some way to making up for the recent disappointment that E4 will not screen the final season of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD .

The series will stream on Disney+ later this year.


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