We sense much excitement in you: Disney has announced that a new trilogy of Star Wars films is on its way.


However, fans will have a bit of a wait to see the movies. After Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker flies onto the big screen at the end of 2019, fans won’t see another movie instalment until 2022.

The first of the three films will be released on 16th December 2022, with its two follow-ups premiering two years apart on 20th December 2024 and 18th December 2026.

Disney didn’t reveal any more details about the movies, but, as previously reported, Lucasfilm currently has two trilogies in development. The Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson and Game of Thrones creators/showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss are both working on a collection of three films.

Alongside the Star Wars announcements, the House of Mouse also revealed that James Cameron’s Avatar sequel has been pushed back one year to 17th December 2021. However, Disney also confirmed three further Avatar films will follow, each movie released two years after the first.

That means Disney’s Christmas release slate up to 2027 looks like this:

  • 17th December 2021: Avatar 2
  • 16th December 2022: Untitled Star Wars
  • 22th December 2023: Avatar 3
  • 20th December 2024: Untitled Star Wars
  • 19th December 2025: Avatar 4
  • 18th December 2026: Untitled Star Wars
  • 17th December 2027: Avatar 5

And that’s not all. Disney also confirmed release dates for The New Mutants (now 3rd April 2020), the Brad Pitt sci-fi film Ad Astra (9th September 2020) and the literary adaptation Artemis Fowl (29th May 2020).


Looks like the future's bright for sci-fi fans.
