Outlander’s executive producers promised us that season 3 would make some changes to Diana Gabaldon’s original story and episode 3 feature a pretty major one – Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser is still alive.


Yes, Jamie’s godfather has survived the Battle of Culloden in the TV series (he was killed in action in the novel) and Ronald D Moore says there’s a very good reason for it.

"Murtagh’s development in the series is different than the books basically from the beginning” Moore told Mashable. :We made him much more of a key player in the story, much closer to Jamie, and then he got in on [Claire's] secret in Paris. He became part of the family in a different way than in the books.”

It seems as though Moore has grown quite attached to the character played by Duncan Lacroix, who popped up alongside Jamie in Ardsmuir Prison, much to the delight of fans.

“I just wasn't ready to let him go in Culloden” admitted Moore. “He is going to survive and we will catch up with him later, we will just keep him going."


Now, we know Murtagh’s been shipped off the colonies with his fellow inmates so who knows how he might be reintroduced? We’re guessing it’ll have something to do with that epic sea voyage the Outlander powers that be keep teasing…

New episodes of Outlander season 3 are available to stream on Amazon Prime Video in the UK on Mondays
