Outlander showrunnner teases plot of series 3
Ronald D Moore reveals a big change of scenery for Claire and Jamie

If Claire and Jamie are so committed to changing history, they might want to start by inventing the jumbo jet, as Outlander showrunner Ronald D Moore has teased a major change of scenery in their third series.
“I don’t think I’m giving too much away,” (but, you know, spoiler warning and all that) “but the story of season 3 will start in Scotland. Then there’s a sea voyage involved in the 18th century, an extended journey across the Atlantic, and then the story goes to Jamaica and the Caribbean and ending up in the New World.”
We’re assuming the change of scene will mean yet more costumes (woollen plaid is a brave choice in Jamaica) and Moore revealed some of the headaches involved in making such an ambitious series.
Apparently the change in scenery is “exciting creatively, but really hard in terms of production. Normally by the third and fourth season of a show it’s basically a machine – this is the police station, this is an apartment, this is the bridge of the Enterprise – you’re familiar with using those sets. But with this it’s like you’re doing a whole new series every year.”
And don’t expect that to change this year.
“As different as season two was from season one, season three will be again from season two.”
Onwards, to the New World!