Outlander to feature in new Edinburgh University course
And you, yes YOU, can join the online class for free

We’ve had a Harry Potter University course and now time travel drama Outlander has been given the higher education treatment. And anybody can sign up.
The University of Edinburgh and National Museums Scotland have announced an online course that focuses on the Jacobite risings and the cultural legacy of the period in Scottish history, which includes – you guessed it – Outlander.
Called ‘Exile, rebellion and battles’, the free programme will explore the romance and tragedy of the Jacobites, the group Sam Heughan character James Fraser is a member of.
But The Massive Open-access Online Course (MOOC) will teach more than how important James and Claire’s love story has become today: participants will study Jacobite campaigns all the way from the flight of James II 1688 to the Battle of Culloden in 1746.
Head of the course professor Viccy Coltman, said: "You don't need any prior knowledge to sign up. The course promises a fascinating mix of academic research and curatorial expertise. By teaching the history of the Jacobites through a rich array of objects from the period, we hope to bring this fascinating era to life."
Think this new knowledge of the Jacobites could be a brilliant side dish alongside your main serving of season three? You can sign up for the course here.