Why Doctor Who's Peter Capaldi is my TV Hero
Here's what makes the Scottish actor extra-special, in the words of the TV viewers he has both entertained and inspired

From his time in The Thick of It to his adventures in space and time in Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi has made quite the impression on TV viewers.
The Oscar-winning director (yes, you read that right) has been something of a staple of British TV for decades now, thought it is undoubtedly his role as Doctor Who’s Twelfth Doctor that has earned him the respect and reverence of fans across the Whoniverse.
We asked people to share their thoughts about the Scottish actor via Facebook and Twitter. So here’s why Mr Capaldi is a true TV Hero to so many, in the words of those who know and love his work best - the fans.
“From the moment he first appeared as the Doctor, he has taken the role and its responsibilities to heart. He's set the standard for how a TV Hero should behave – stories of his kindnesses to fans, co-stars, crew and all he meets are truly impressive. He's brought maturity, range and jaw-dropping talent to Doctor Who and I will truly miss him in the role. Peter Capaldi is the Doctor I waited to meet for so many years.” – Niki McGrane

“Peter Capaldi has been my hero for years. His characters are remarkable, thanks to his brilliant acting. Randall Brown, Malcolm Tucker, and his portrayal of the Doctor really helped me navigate through difficult life adventures. Peter is also genuinely kind. He always goes above and beyond with fans, charity work, and activism for improving life. Peter Capaldi embodies Doctor Who in every regard. It is an honour to be his fan.” - Amanda Loose Key
“I wasn't too familiar with Peter Capaldi's work until he was announced to be The Twelfth Doctor but when I saw him in The Thick of It and In The Loop, I saw just how funny and heart-wrenching he could be.
"He had a certain comedic timing that fit him perfectly and I appreciated that a lot. When the time came for him to take the Tardis to fly in time and space, I knew I would like him from his first line complaining about the colour of his kidneys. When he was transitioning from the goofier Matt Smith-esque Doctor to his own unique take on the character, he became one of my favourites.
"He was the first Doctor I saw his adventures all the way through and I'll always appreciate that. The episode where he had to carry the entire episode on his own in his second series showed me just how much I appreciated his acting ability. And when he got a new companion with Bill this past series, I loved their connection. He can make me laugh, anger me, and cause me to cry; that is a mark of a fantastic actor." – Catherine Lencione

“I was a fan of both Peter Capaldi and Doctor Who already, but his contribution to the show made a greater impact than it did before. The zen master of acting AND a warm, genuine, gracious human being, he embodies the character with a classic sensibility, performing grand speeches and actions that have 50 plus years worth of meaning, in all of his episodes and in real life.
"Along with his co-stars and crew he gave fans a wholly immersive experience. He leapt off the screen and held my hand. He's a personal TV Hero of mine as he showed me how to become a better person and better at my craft. Also, he's Scottish – they invented television.” - Lucy Crewe
“Peter is my hero because he's heroic. He's brilliant in everything, but reflexively humble. He gives his time generously to causes and to fans. He sets an example with his professionalism, his moral courage, and his kindness. His work as an actor is always fearless and without ego, and as the Doctor, he accomplished an amazing run that culminated in the best series of Doctor Who of all time. His talent is rare, but his heart and his bravery make him irreplaceable. His Doctor will always be my Doctor, and he's a great hero of mine himself.” - Angela Englert

"Peter's my TV Hero because he can do a dramatic scene so well without saying a word, the range of emotion is there in the eyes, which tells you as a viewer what the Doctor is thinking. One of the best actors that's played the Doctor. I'll miss him in Doctor Who but at the same time I'm rather excited to see what he goes on to do next in his career." - Susan ‘Suze’ Seddon
"He is more than just an actor playing the role of the Doctor - he personifies everything it means to *be* the Doctor. He will be greatly missed in the role, but I wish him all the best and look forward to seeing what he will bring to life next." – Felicia Flutters Schuman

"Peter is not only an incredible actor but a kind soul as well. He has helped numerous charities and has gone above and beyond his call of duty to be one of the most approachable, accommodating celebrities out there.
"When my son and I met him in Minneapolis, he took the time with each and every person in line and talked to us like he'd known us for years. To top it off, during his Q and A, he brought my son, who was dressed as Twelve, up on stage with him. An experience my son will never forget. So, I think what makes him our TV hero is quite simple. He lives by the Doctor's motto: 'Just be kind'." – Brenda Culver
"That face. That voice. Once he plays a character you can't imagine anyone else doing it. Truly one of a kind sort of guy, and from what I hear, a genuinely good person, too. Remember him in Mr. Wakefield's Crusade? I could go on." – Erin Ehmen
"A talented actor and director. He’s brilliant at comedy, drama everything. He will always be Tucker to me. Fab" - Jane Scholey
Do YOU have a TV Hero? Keep an eye on Radio Times on Facebook and Twitter for your chance to sing your favourite TV star's praises.