Russell T Davies is a big fan of new Doctor Who companion Pearl Mackie
The former showrunner says that a change of companion brings the sci-fi drama to life

When Pearl Mackie starts filming the next series of Doctor Who, one thing that former showrunner Russell T Davies is certain of is that she will have a “laugh” on the show.
With filming expected to begin soon, Davies told that he can’t wait for her appearance in the drama which he says will re-invigorate the show.
In fact, he said that he took time out to congratulate showrunner Steven Moffat and executive producer Brian Minchin just after the reveal of Mackie’s identity on BBC1 at half-time during the FA Cup semi-final between Everton and Manchester United last month.
Davies told “What a mad show it is. Steven [Moffat] and [executive producer] Brian [Minchin] sometimes share bits of news to me and they kept this quiet and said ‘you watch tonight’.
Davies laughed: “Me?! Watching the football?! The very idea. But I did of course and I was thrilled.
“She looks gorgeous, doesn’t she? I was texting Brian, texting Steven and I said Doctor Who comes to life, every couple of years, a brand new life comes into the programme. What a life. What a laugh she’ll have….”
Davies now, of course, watches Doctor Who as a fan and obviously doesn’t miss a single episode of the show although he has repeatedly said that he is against the idea of returning to work on the drama.
Instead, next Monday Doctor Who fans will be able to tune into Davies' latest TV project – an adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream which has captured the feel of the sci-fi favourite.
The Shakespeare adaptation was also made at Cardiff's Roath Lock studios where Doctor Who is filmed and deployed many of the CGI experts Davies worked with during his time in the Tardis.