Stranger Things: if you’ve not seen it yet then get to it right now. If only to read what treats season 2 holds.


Finished? Great. So Barbara– that’s right, Nancy’s friend-cum-eye-rolling-unit who was dragged away from Steve’s swimming pool by a monster from another dimension – will be getting a fair bit of attention in the show’s still unconfirmed second season.

However, there’s little hope Barb will be returning from the monster’s liar. “I can’t see it happening” Matt Duffer told IGN in a recent interview. "But Barb will not be forgotten. We’ll make sure there’s some justice for Barb.”

Justice? But nobody, army of fans aside, seemed too bothered about the disappearance of Barb, played by 19-year-old Shannon Purser. It’s a point Duffer was keen to pick on: "It’s not like her parents are like ‘Oh Barb left'. She died!” he said.

"Season one actually takes place over the course of six or seven days – it’s a really short period of time. So part of what we want to do with hypothetical Season two is to explore the repercussions of everything that happened.”


Whether we find out just what the repercussions are depends on Netflix. Season two now, please.
