Here at, we love Christmas and (as you may have guessed by some of our TV coverage) we REALLY love Doctor Who. So we thought that for this most special time of year (you know, when there's an extra episode on) we'd compose our very own Doctor Who Christmas carol, bringing the spirit of the holidays to everyone's favourite Time Lord.


You can check out the lyrics below, and on case you hadn't guessed from the article title it's set to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas. Sadly, this year is the very LAST time we'll be able to put this story out (originally written in 2015) thanks to the arrival of Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker, so let's get together and enjoy it one last time.

Once you've read through, why not set off the instrumental music at the bottom of the article and sing through all twelve verses as it was meant to be sung - it's sure to get you on Santa's "nice" list.

With a one, and a two...

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, the Doctor sent to me...

Twelve Time Lords leaping

Eleven Billies Piping

Ten Masters drumming

Nine Daleks dancing

Eight Sontarans fighting

Seven sonics screwing

(Settle down at the back there).

Six Angels Weeping


Four Singing Ood

Three Cybermen

Two Doctor 10s

And a TARDIS in a pear tree!

All together now...

And, incidentally, a happy Christmas to all of you at home!


Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time airs on BBC1 on Christmas Day (Monday 25th December) at 5.30pm


Huw FullertonCommissioning Editor

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.
