If ever there was a institution built on such a strong foundation of fans (apart from, say, a cooling appliance factory) it was Doctor Who.


So powerful and creative is Doctor Who's fanbase that sometimes their love can shape the show itself - such as a young boy creating the Absorbolof, or a talented graphic designer creating what would become the official opening credits.

So here, to celebrate their efforts, we have ranked the 25 best fan-made videos. Do you agree with our choices? And is there a video here that you've created yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

25. - Doctor Who Gangnam Style

Because of course.

24. Doctor Who buffy opening credits

There's nothing fans love more than a good crossover, so it was only inevitable the Buffy-verse was going to meet the Who-inverse eventually.

23. Doctor Who/ The Big Bang Theory mash-up

The Big Bang Theory is famously known for its sneaky Doctor Who references, from Sheldon's 6am BBC America binges to Howard's life sized Tardis. One fan decided to go the whole hog and give the Big Bang opening titles a Who makeover. We quite like the Tardis flying around to Barenaked Ladies, actually.

22. 50th anniversary fake trailer

There was a lot of excitement leading up to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who; so much so, in fact, that fans got impatient and just started imagining what it would be like themselves.

21. The other fan-made opening credits

Billy Hanshaw is not the only fan to audition for the series 8 opening titles. This take from Youtube user NeonVisual is also an impressive piece of work.

20. Grand Theft Whovian


As if Grand Theft Auto wasn't terrifying enough, Youtube user Taltigolt decided to go one step further and throw actual Doctor Who Daleks into the mix. Just like the show, the Daleks are available to play in a variety of Crayola style colours, and are big fans of zooming down streets exterminating innocent civilians. The cops don't stand a chance.
