The Doctor meets the Monks again in cryptic new Doctor Who clip
“We’ll take this world," the monster tells the Doctor. "We’ll rule its people. But only when we’re asked.” What?

Still struggling to get your head round Saturday’s mind-melting episode of Doctor Who? Well, make sure you've deciphered it before the next instalment: it’s another noggin scratcher, judging by this clip.
In the clip from next Saturday's episode, we’re treated to another glimpse of a mouldy monk, this time by the entrance of a mysterious pyramid. The cloaked monster chillingly not only tells the Doctor that “we will take this planet and its people”, but says they’ll be “invited”.
“We will talk again,” the alien adds to a confused Doctor. When? “At the end of the earth.” The monk returns to the pyramid, and its outer walls are resealed.
This. Looks. Epic.*
*That doesn't count as an invitation for the monks to invade the earth. STAY AWAY.
Doctor Who continues next Saturday 27th April on BBC1 at the later time of 7.45pm