It’s the stuff of every Doctor Who fan’s dreams – a visit to the Tardis.


And even though Russell T Davies was in charge of the hit BBC1 drama for five years, he admits that he still gets a proper “fanboy thrill” when he stands before the Doctor’s controls and plays the Time Lord.

This exclusive clip from an upcoming South Bank Show profile of the writer shows him visiting the modern set.

But listen carefully – is he about to say that his Tardis was “better” than the current one before correcting himself about 25 seconds in?

We distinctly heard him say: “It isn’t my Tardis, I had a be… I had a different Tardis, it was absolutely gorgeous, This is Peter Capaldi’s and it’s stunning.”

Was the word he was about to use actually “better”? Did he think *ahem* better of it?

The upcoming South Bank Show profile sees Davies look back over his career talking about how he broke through, why he has written the shows he did and what he is working on now (a drama about the 1980s Aids crisis called The Boys).

The film also sees presenter Melvyn Bragg travel with him to Manchester’s Canal Street – the locale of Davies' hit 1999 Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk.

We also meet Davies' old drama teacher who cast the young Russ as Bottom in a school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream - the Shakespeare play he himself adapted recently for BBC1.


The South Bank Show: Russell T Davies is on Sky Arts on Wednesday June 29 at 8pm
