Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat will depart Doctor Who this Christmas, making way for a new Time Lady, a new showrunner and a whole new era of adventures in space and time.


We're not too sure what to expect when Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall take over the Tardis, but from past experience (and regenerations) we're guessing some big alterations are coming our way.

Everything from the Doctor's accent to the Tardis interior could change in (space and) time for series 11, so we want to know what you – the fans – would like to see happening.

doctor bill tardis

Is it time for the Tardis interior to be re-decorated?

Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi's Doctors all travelled through space and time in their own designs (or minor upgrades of each other's) – is it time for another overhaul?

Would you prefer the Thirteenth Doctor's companion to be male or female?

Do you want to see two women front the series? Or do you think keeping the gender balance is key?

How many companions should the Thirteenth Doctor travel with?

Many previous incarnations of the Time Lord have travelled with more than one companion. Should Jodie Whittaker's Doctor take an extra passenger in the Tardis? Or keep it to just the one?

Doctor Who Daleks

Should the new series feature more classic villains or new villains?

The show wouldn't be the same without old favourites like the Daleks but would you prefer to see more of the Doctor's old foes? Or do you think it's time to introduce a whole host of new enemies?

Should the Doctor have more adventures on modern-day earth?

Many of the Doctor's adventures take place in space and different periods of time but would you like to see Thirteen getting up to more mischief in our time period?

Peter Capaldi Sonic Screwdriver

Does the new Doctor need a new sonic screwdriver?

Both David Tennant and Peter Capaldi's Doctors borrowed from their predecessors (at least initially) so should Jodie Whittaker's Doctor do the same? Or should she have a brand new sonic screwdriver in her back pocket?

Which Doctor Who character would you most like to see make a comeback in the new series?

Cameos and guest spots have caused much excitement in previous series – who do you think should re-appear?


Doctor Who returns to BBC1 this Christmas
