Who are the stars of new Doctor Who spin-off Class?
Meet Katherine Kelly, Greg Austin, Sophie Hopkins, Vivian Oparah and Fady Elsayed, the actors in Patrick Ness's new BBC3 drama Class

BBC3 have announced the stars of new Doctor Who spin-off series Class from writer Patrick Ness.
Filming has begun on the new series, which is set in Coal Hill School, setting for a number of Doctor Who episodes over the years. Find out more about the cast here.
Katherine Kelly

Coronation Street and Happy Valley star Katherine Kelly is well-known to TV drama viewers, having recently featured in BBC1's The Night Manager.
The BBC tell us that she is set to star as a teacher at Coal Hill School. Follow Katherine Kelly on Twitter.
Greg Austin

Drama graduate Greg Austin is best known for playing the young Gordon Selfridge in ITV's Mr Selfridge. He also runs his own gaming channel on YouTube.
Austin will, along with the three other young actors, play a sixth-former at Coal Hill School. The BBC explain that all four pupils "are facing their own worst fears, navigating a life of friends, parents, school work, sex, sorrow - and possibly the end of existence."
Sophie Hopkins

Yorkshire actress Sophie Hopkins has starred in a series of short films, including Since We Last, which you can watch below via Vimeo. Director Ben Grady raised the money for the film via Kickstarter.
See all the actors together with young adult author and Class creator Patrick Ness in the video below.