There's nobody quite like a Casualty doctor. Not only do you need a razor sharp mind, encyclopaedic medical knowledge and the ability to save lives without pausing for breath, you should also be prepared to form romantic attachments to your colleagues, enter into feuds and face personal turmoil while turning up to every shift on time. It's no easy task!


Over the show's 34 year history, countless consultants have burst into resus, but which nine medics made our shortlist? Read on to find out...

9. Dr Lily Chao

Programme Name: Casualty - Portraits - TX: n/a - Episode: Casualty - Portraits (No. n/a) - Picture Shows: Dr Lily Chao (CRYSTAL YU) - (C) BBC - Photographer: Emilie Sandy

Played by: Crystal Yu

Years in the ED: 2013-2017

We were supposed to hate Lily when she arrived. Ruthlessly ambitious, cold and single-minded, her only concern was her career. Then she was accused of bullying fan-favourite Alicia and the odds looked firmly stacked against her. But there was a quiet vulnerability to Lily. As we learned more about her childhood and the reasons she was so desperate to succeed we saw a whole new side to Lily, and she actually earned our respect. Then she fell in love with Iain, forming one of the most unlikely but cutest couples the ED has ever seen. We were rooting for them - especially during their wildly inappropriate romantic encounter in a hearse.

8. SHO Holly Miles

Played by: Sandra Huggett

Years in the ED: 1999-2001

Fans will remember the Holly and Patrick era of Casualty - we shipped those two long before shipping was actually a thing. The pair had dated in medical school and were shocked to discover they would be forced to work together at Holby ED, but their chemistry sizzled through the screen. More about Patrick later. Holly was a kind, caring doctor, with a specialism in paediatrics, the kind of character you instantly warm to. She got through some major storylines during her short time in the ED, the most dramatic of which was when she became the victim of a stalker, anaesthetist Tom Harvey, who she eventually came face-to-face with.

7. Registrar Alicia Monroe

Chelsea Halfpenny as Alicia Monroe on Casualty

Played by: Chelsea Halfpenny

Years in the ED: 2015-2019

A fan favourite from the minute she arrived, everyone just loved Alicia. Especially in the brief moments when she managed to be in a relationship with her soulmate Ethan, but the pair were doomed to an on-again-off-again romance as life (and Ethan's brother, Cal) got in the way. Alicia had harrowing storylines during her time in the ED - she was raped, bullied at work and pushed to breaking point by a staffing crisis that made her write an anonymous blog about the NHS. But that's not her legacy. We'll always think of Alicia as a doctor with a smile on her face, a friend to everyone, who always saw the best in people and wanted to make a difference.

6. Dr Patrick Spiller

Played by: Ian Kelsey

Years in the ED: 1999-2002

Patrick was everything a doctor on Casualty should be: brusque, impatient, full of himself, but somehow weirdly charming. His bad boy attitude got him in trouble, but his clinical capabilities often made up for it. Patrick was also a ladies man - as well as his obvious chemistry with Holly there were other girlfriends, including Dr Lara Stone, in whom he definitely met his match. He was also held hostage at one point - no big deal, for Dr Spiller! Patrick met his grisly end after a motorway crash. He died from internal bleeding, but not before saving six children from a minibus and proposing to Lara over dinner. Classic Casualty.

5. Dr Ethan Hardy

Casualty Ethan

Played by: George Rainsford

Years in the ED: 2014-present

Ethan is, without doubt, one of the most popular characters in Casualty history, and with good reason. For a start, he's a really nice guy, which rarely happens with doctors on this show- they're either too busy or too grumpy to care about other people. Shy and bumbling, he has no idea how attractive he is, perhaps because he spent most of his life in the shadow of his cocky brother, Cal. We've been through it all with Ethan - Cal's death, his turbulent romance with Alicia, falling for the wrong women, learning he is adopted and being diagnosed with Huntington's disease. You'd think all that would make you bitter, but Ethan always tries to do the right thing and stays kind. A proper ED hero.

4. Dr Nick Jordan

Played by: Michael French

Years in the ED: 2008-2013

Oh how we miss Jordan! Charismatic and capable, the ED felt like it was in safe hands while he was clinical lead. But of course he had his own issues, the most devastating of which was a brain tumour, eventually diagnosed after he realised he was struggling to concentrate at work. Reluctant to give up his job, he carried on practicing against doctors' orders and battled to keep his condition a secret. It was during this time that he embarked on his big romance with Dr Zoe Hanna, who helped him through his health battles. Jordan eventually left Holby to take up a job in Michigan.

3. Mrs Connie Beauchamp

Casualty, Amanda Mealing as Connie

Played by: Amanda Mealing

Years in the ED: 2013-present

The ice queen cometh. Well, that's not fair. In recent years we've seen Connie show her vulnerable side in heart-breaking storylines, from her cancer diagnosis to crippling anxiety and struggles getting custody of her daughter, Grace. But our favourite Connie moments are always when she's feeling on top form, and able to cut her colleagues down to size with just a quick glance. When she arrived in the ED she was determined to wrestle the clinical lead gig from Zoe, which she did in style. She made sure her presence was felt and her withering putdowns left us in all no doubt who was boss. Connie has recently taken a break from the show, but boy we're glad she's back. Long may Queen Connie reign!

2. Dr Dylan Keogh

Casualty - Series 34 - EP4

Played by: Will Beck

Years in the ED: 2011-2012, 2014-present

One of the most underrated characters in the ED as far as we're concerned, Dylan gets all the best one-liners, takes no nonsense and has the coolest living arrangements - hanging out on a houseboat with his dog Dervla. It's like someone took Patrick Spiller and dialled him up a notch. One of the best things about Dylan is that he's not a caricature. Yes, he's grumpy with annoying patients (and the writers really do throw in some aggravating idiots) but he does show empathy to those that need it. He doesn't suffer fools, but he does let some people in - his bromances with Lofty and David are beautifully meaningful and hard-won. He's also the doctor you'd want treating you if you were admitted - he might not possess a great bedside manner, but he has a brilliant mind and is usually the least distracted by ED dramas and gossip.

1. Dr Zoe Hanna

Dr Zoe Hanna

Played by: Sunetra Sarker

Years in the ED: 2007-2016

Our number one spot had to go to Queen of the ED, Zoe Hanna. She's just ace, isn't she? We like the fact she's not perfect - she smokes too many cigarettes, eats too much chocolate and wears inappropriately fabulous shoes for a hospital shift, but first and foremost she's confident, intelligent and brilliant at what she does. Missing the cold ambition of the likes of Connie, she cared about her job without being obsessed, still had a laugh and kept her compassion. Zoe's friendship with Dylan was also the source of great ED bants and we were completely invested in her romance with Jordan, but it was her relationship with porter Max that fans went wild for. Max was more than a match for Zoe, and despite various hurdles they got their happy ending. We miss them both though - here begins the campaign for a comeback...


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