Is there anyone in deeper trouble than Coronation Street's Gary Windass (Mikey North) at the moment? The beleaguered builder caused the death of Rana Habeeb (Bhavna Limbachia) and Carla Connor's (Alison King) psychological breakdown by sabotaging the Underworld roof, all so he could make an extra few quid by bagging the repair job.


He's also trying to avoid evil loan shark Rick Neelan (Greg Wood) who he double crossed, and trying but failing to win back former girlfriend Sarah Platt (Tina O'Brien) who's having a secret fling with Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson).

On Monday 17th June, roguish Rick comes looking for Gary to settle their score, and Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) tells Mr Windass he was hanging around. Unable to locate Sarah, Gary leaps to the conclusion Rick has kidnapped her (in actual fact she's gone off for a saucy hotel stay with Adam) and ends up lured to the woods by Rick, who tricks him into thinking he's holding his ex hostage.

Facing off against his enemy at a shallow grave in a deserted woodland, Gary fights for his life as Rick attacks him. Is this the end for the factory roof fiddler? We asked Mikey North.


Is Gary scared to go up against a scary villain like Rick?
It’s a challenge for Gary but it’s been great for me! I’ve been blessed in working with two great villains, Phelan and now Rick, which has been really enjoyable. Gary has often tried to bully people over the years, like Seb, but when he comes up against people like Rick he realises he’s not so good at it after all.

How does Gary end up in the woods with Rick?
Gary goes looking for Sarah as she had gone missing, and he is led to believe she is seen leaving with Rick. This gives Rick the chance to pretend he has got Sarah, and get Gary to meet him in the woodland if he ever wants to see Sarah again. But Rick is very clever…

It turns out to be a trick and Rick doesn't have Sarah - what does Gary think when he realises?
He feels instant panic. There is a grave there that has been pre-dug, obviously for Gary, and at that point he thinks probably for Sarah, too. Let's just say he comes to the realisation things aren’t looking good!


Gary is staring death in the face - is he scared?
It’s been inevitable that things would go too far one day. Gary has been up against some difficult situations, especially with the responsibility of the factory collapse. Being faced up against Rick things don’t look too promising for him!

Do you wonder how Gary gets himself in these difficult situations?
I don’t know, he tries to do the right things for the right reasons - but in actual fact he ends up getting himself into more trouble. I'd say he needs to learn how to calm down his enthusiasm!


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer,