Coronation Street: Bethany's future revealed following glass attack
Is Bethany facing time behind bars?

Bethany Platt's fate has been revealed on tonight's Coronation Street following her shock attack on a punter at lap-dancing club Tassels.
Earlier this week, Bethany was seen glassing a groom-to-be on his stag night while hallucinating that she was performing for evil groomer Nathan.
After being taken to the police station, a tearful Bethany was then told by investigating officers that she was likely to face charges due to the severity of her actions.

The first episode of Friday's double bill saw Bethany head out for her court case, only to later be told that all charges had been dropped. Sarah surmised that this was because the stag in question didn't want his fiancee finding out where he'd been on the eve of his wedding.
Having now put her lap-dancing days behind her, Bethany appears to be getting her life back on track - scenes just shown saw her considering a return to her old job at the salon while also entertaining the idea of starting therapy again.
But hopefully, she'll also find time to help out Craig, whose OCD is worsening by the episode. Will Bethany be able to come to the aid of the one man who was able to support her through her recent ordeals?
Coronation Street returns at 8.30pm this evening.
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