This article includes discussion of sexual abuse that some readers may find distressing.


Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) had reason to suspect that her boyfriend, Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard), was behind the attack on her abuser, Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper), in tonight's dramatic Coronation Street (15th May 2024).

As the ITV soap continued, Bethany was shaken when she thought she saw Nathan go into The Kabin - only to find that she had imagined seeing him.

Unfortunately, the real Nathan was very much nearby, and Bethany quizzed local police officer and friend, Craig Tinker (Colson Smith), on Nathan's alibi for the day Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) went missing.

Bethany was certain that Nathan could have groomed Lauren like he did her, but Craig let slip that Nathan had been with his girlfriend, who works in a nail bar.

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This intrigued Bethany, who reminded Craig that Nathan was running a tanning salon when he abused her.

Sarah Barlow (Tina O'Brien) confided her worries for daughter Bethany in Gary Windass (Mikey North), while Daniel confronted Bethany over visiting Nathan's girlfriend - just as the pair bumped into Nathan in the street.

Nathan coldly suggested Bethany should get on with her life, before goading Daniel into launching himself at him.

Bethany and Daniel stare at Nathan, dressed in fluorescent yellow, in Coronation Street
Nathan's presence disturbed Bethany. ITV

Sarah and Gary were on the scene just as Nathan drove off, and the pair spoke with David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) about getting rid of Nathan one way or another, before David made excuses to leave.

Meanwhile, Daniel was troubled to see Bethany so distressed by their encounter with Nathan.

At Nathan's workplace, he was heard on the phone branding Bethany and her family "nut-jobs", before a hooded figure emerged to knock Nathan down and kick him repeatedly.

Bethany was later informed by Craig that Nathan had been put in hospital, just as David returned home. Bethany headed out for some air, and ended up telling Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) that the police wanted to question Daniel.

Well-meaning Ryan mentioned that protective Daniel had gone after ex-fiancée Daisy Midgeley's (Charlotte Jordan) stalker Justin Rutherford (Andrew Still), and this led Bethany to quiz Daniel on his whereabouts when he disappeared earlier that day, accusing him of attacking Nathan.

Daniel discovered that Ryan had been talking about him and stormed over to The Rovers, despite hearing that Ryan wasn't actually bad-mouthing him.

Gary had to hold Daniel back when Ryan pointed out that he clearly had a temper, and two police officers walked in to see Daniel's anger in full view.

At the Platts', Sarah was shocked to find what she thought was blood on David's jeans, which he explained away as red hair dye. Sarah asked David if he was guilty, and he denied it before insisting he wanted to thank the man who really hit out at Nathan.

At the police station, DS Swain (Vicky Myers) asked Daniel for his alibi, but he admitted he had been on his own.

He was released, and Bethany told Daniel she found his violent side frightening, and that she needed space from him. But did Daniel attack Nathan, or might David be to blame?

For support and guidance on matters raised within this story, visit Barnardo's, NSPCC and SHE UK for help and advice.

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