Coronation Street: Sean and Julie fight to survive bus crash, say Antony Cotton and Katy Cavanagh
The two Corrie stars talk about this week's high profile episodes
Antony Cotton and Katy Cavanagh have been talking about the fate of their Corrie characters in the aftermath of tomorrow’s minibus crash.
Monday’s double bill will see the Underworld factory staff involved in an horrific smash-up. But what is the fate of machinists Sean and Julie?
“Luckily, in this case, Julie rallies Sean and they both smash their way out,” reveals Cotton.
Adds Cavanagh: “I think they’re both survivors. If I was on a raft in trouble, I’d want Julie and Sean by my side.”
You can watch the interview below. And keep scrolling for more from the Corrie cast about the coming week’s episodes.
Here you'll find Antony Cotton and Katy Cavanagh plus a host of other Coronation Street cast members discussing all the burning minibus crash questions: who lives? Who dies? And who's back at the factory stitching the knickers?