Coronation Street: see Alya lay down the law as takes over at the factory - watch the scene
The Connors have been ousted!

"I am the new owner, so you'd best start getting used to it." And so begins a new era at Underworld on Coronation Street, which sees Alya Nazir taking charge after ousting the Connors. As Corrie fans know, Aidan left the factory to Alya in his will - and despite Carla's best efforts to keep this info under wraps, Alya has now discovered the truth and will waste no time in claiming what she feels is rightfully hers.
The upcoming drama sees Alya paying Gary to change the locks at the factory, explaining to him the details of Aidan's will. And by Wednesday, the likes of Carla, Jenny and Kate will all be seen confronting Alya and demanding to know what she's playing at.

But it seems that Alya isn't going to back down easily. Rather than coming to an agreement with the Connors, Alya instead announces that she's now running the business in front of the shocked employees.
And, as can be seen in this new clip released by Corrie, she isn't going to be messed with: just check out the way she blasts Fiz for daring to stop off and buy a new pair of trainers for Hope instead of turning up for work on time. Will Alya be making Carla look like a pussycat?
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